How is the president elected?

2020 is the year for presidential elections in the United States. Of course,…

How do you choose a candidate in the primaries?

The first step towards electing a President in the United States is the…

Miguel Monjardino: COVID-19 economic shock may change the electoral campaign

Until last week, Bernie Sanders seemed to have dominated the Democratic field…

Joe Biden aims for another winning Tuesday

Before South Carolina, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders seemed to be unstoppable…

Do you like American politics? 7 Movies you need to watch

With the campaign picking up speed and the Democrats in the process of…

The books of the candidates

A key piece for those who want to run for President of the United States is to…

5 Podcasts to follow the elections

The electoral campaign in the United States is starting to heat up, with the…

Video: Democratic Party Debate in South Carolina

In the last debate with a more diversified Democratic side, six candidates had…

Video: Democratic Party Debate in Nevada

In a six-way debate, Michael Bloomberg marked his first time at the stage. The…

Video: Democratic Party Debate in Iowa

After months of campaigning, the top candidates for the Democratic nomination…