The Future of Higher Education: new What's Next webinar

With the end of the school year, the time has come for Higher Education…

FLAD launches What's Next webinars this Thursday

FLAD launches this Thursday theWhat’s Next webinars, a cycle of…

We've accomplished 35 years. What's next?

Hello everyone, Preparations for FLAD’s anniversary began several…

FLAD and Camões join forces to promote Portuguese language in the US

On the World Portuguese Language Day, FLAD and Camões Institute joined hands…

FLAD: Temporary conditioning of the Foundation's activities

Despite the current situation, open calls will remain active and FLAD will be…

José Pedro Monteiro and Sofia Sampaio are the selected candidates as Visiting Professors at Brown

The next Visiting Professors to enter the 2021 year at Brown University have…

Open Call for Visiting Professor at Brown University 20/21

The deadline for submission of applications for Visiting Professor at Brown…

Introducing the Azores to American students of SiPN

Every semester, the Study in Portugal Network,FLAD’s academic mobility…

FLAD's visit to Fresno State University

Rita Faden, President of FLAD, gave a lecture at California State University…

Study and Research in the USA

Students, teachers, and researchers were all gathered at FLAD to exchange…