Land Ho!
Fiction, 2014, 95′
01/05 Wed | 5:00pm | Sala 3

Written and directed by Aaron Katz, Martha Stephens
Cinematography by Andrew Reed
Cast Earl Lynn Nelson, Paul Eenhoorn
Sundance, Locarno (Official Selection); John Cassavetes Award (Independent Spirit Awards) (2014)

Disenchanted with the retired life, Mitch, an exuberant ex-surgeon, convinces the reluctant Colin, his former brother-in-law, to vacation in Iceland. Between ice bars, trendy spa resorts and culinary adventures, the two old friends enjoy the simple tranquility of each other’s company. Aaron Katz and Martha Stephens, two of the most singular voices in American independent cinema, achieve the rare feat of revisiting the popular, albeit difficult, buddy-comedy genre with humor and wit, giving it a few brushstrokes of travelogue.